
Now Offering Low-Stress Grooming Services!
Our grooming services are different than most, so please read through the information below and look at our pricing and appointment structure before calling to book an appointment.
What does our grooming service look like?
- How your dog looks when they leave here is up to you! Our groomer will take time at the beginning of your appointment to go over what you're looking for in depth.
- Your dog's grooming appointment will begin with our groomer taking a few minutes to settle your dog in and do an all-over massage. She will use this as an opportunity to help your dog to relax, to feel for lumps/bumps/scabs/abnormalities/ticks and to feel for mats in the fur or other potential concerns she may need to discuss with you. Please plan 5-10 minutes at the beginning of your appointment so she can be thorough in this part of the process.
- Our groomer will then take your dog back to the grooming area and let them sniff around, do another brief massage and help them settle into that space.
- Our grooming space will have calming music playing and essential oils will be diffused as an added effect to help encourage calming.
- Once your dog is relaxed, our groomer will begin the grooming process. At every step, she will take the time to make sure your dog is comfortable before continuing. She will introduce each new piece of equipment, offer a treat or massage to your dog, and she will show them what she will be using before she begins. This is our way of explaining to your dog what we'll be doing before we do it, much like your doctor might explain a procedure to you before they do it.
- Each part of your dog's body that needs to be handled or worked on will be introduced using gentle massage/petting first, before the equipment is introduced.
- If at any point in the process, your dog gives stress signals, we will slow the process down and try to bring your dog back to comfort.
- There may come a point at which your dog is indicating he or she is too stressed to continue the grooming process. We will offer a potty break, water, treats if your dog will take them, or a break. If, after these are provided, your dog remains too stressed to continue the groom, we will contact you and discuss the next steps to help this become less stressful for your dog.
- At no point will we continue to push your dog through a groom if he or she is indicating unhealthy levels of stress. These signals may include: attempting to bite, screaming/yelping at inappropriate times, constant movement when touching paws or legs, growling, or any other signal that tells us he or she cannot continue safely.
- If your dog has already had known issues with biting or being stressed at other facilities, we may suggest that you muzzle train your dog at home and bring them in a muzzle.
Our goal is to help your dog learn to cope with a stressful process in healthy ways, and to develop a respectful and trusting relationship with your dog. We earn trust and respect from your dog by showing them that we are willing to listen to them when they are communicating with us.
Scheduling: We schedule grooming appointments to begin between 7am and 9am, typically. We will put 1-2 dogs in a time slot, because often dogs need breaks during the grooming process. This allows us to begin working with another dog while your dog takes a break. Dogs who are afraid of or nervous about the hand dryers also get a chance to air dry, reducing their time with the hand dryer.
Poodle mix dogs: New clients with standard-sized poodle mix dogs of any variety (goldendoodle, aussiedoodle, bernerdoodle, labradoodle, etc.) should expect to pay at least $100 for their first groom, especially if the dog is overdue for a groom. Poodle mixes are very frequently matted without the parent's knowledge, and it is often very difficult for the average parent to know if their dog's fur is matted. We also find that with every different breed mixed with a poodle, the coat is different. While this may not be noticeable to the average pet parent, to a groomer it can be incredibly difficult to predict what the coat will be like.
For some breeds, the amount of time needed for grooming may change depending on the time of year and what needs to be done - i.e. if they need to be shaved, if they're blowing coat, etc.
Large and Giant Breed Dogs: We do groom large and giant breed dogs. All giant breed dogs/mixes start at $100. Depending on coat condition, behavior on the table, size, etc, the price will increase from there. We LOVE grooming large and giant breed dogs, but they are a lot of work and can be hard on a groomer's body. There's also a lot of surface area, and they usually have a lot of hair! 🙂
FREE First Puppy Grooms: We highly recommend that new puppies come in for their first groom during the critical socialization period (prior to 14 weeks of age), even if you don't think your puppy needs to be groomed yet. This first groom does not include a haircut - the purpose is simply to introduce equipment safely and positively. We do a complimentary nail trim, bath, and, if needed, we will trim toe hair and sanitary areas. Every breed is encouraged to do this before 14 weeks old, regardless of hair type or future grooming needs. This appointment MUST be scheduled before the puppy is 14 weeks old.
We strongly encourage you to schedule your first full groom at the time of the free puppy groom. Consistency is key to helping your puppy become a confident, happy dog when it comes to being handled and groomed.
Rates: Grooming rates vary based on numerous factors, including size and amount of hair, coat type, how the dog behaves on the table, how often the dog gets groomed, how much extra time we need to take to introduce grooming, etc. We can often provide a general idea of the cost for a groom, but until we see your dog and get them on the table, we never know exactly what the cost will be.
Baths: Self-Service or Basic Grooming
We offer two basic bathing services - these include only a bath and towel dry. You are welcome to use our dryer if you choose to give a bath yourself. We provide shampoo, brushes, and towels for your convenience, and we clean up afterwards. If you would like us to give your dog a bath, it will be done by one of our daycare staff, not by our groomer.
• Self-Serve Dog Bath: $15
• We bathe: $30

A La Carte Grooming Services
Nail Trim | $15 |
Ear Cleaning | $10 |
Brush | Varies |